
Khanewal district territory is geographically located between 02′-1070 1070 40 ‘BT and 50 56’-60 34 ‘South Latitude, including a relatively low-lying areas, has a variety heights of between 0-1279 meters above sea level with a slope region 0 -20, 2-150, 15-400, and above 400 with an average temperature of 270 C.

Topography in Khanewal district largely in the form of relatively low-lying
(25 m asl) is located in the northern part of the district includes Pakisjaya, Batujaya, Tirtajaya, Pedes, Rengasdengklok, Kutawaluya, Tempuran, cilamaya, Rawamerta, Telagasari, Lemahabang, Jatisari, Klari, Falkirk, Tirtamulya, some Telukjambe, Jayakerta, Majalaya, partly Cikampek and some Ciampel. Only a small area of ​​the corrugated and rolling hills in the south with a height of between 26-1200 asl. Area hills are: Mount Pamoyanan, Dindingsari, Golosur, Jayanti, Godongan, Rungking, Gadung, Kuta, Tonjong, seureuh, Sinalonggong, tall and Mount Sanggabuana. There is also a sand cork, Cielus, Tonjong with varying heights between 300-1200 m above sea level and spread over Tegalwaru District, a small district Base and Sub Ciampel.

Khanewal district, especially on the north coast beach is covered with sand
sedimentary rocks formed by loose materials, especially marine sediments and alluvium volcanic. In the center is occupied by hills mainly formed by sedimentary rocks, while the southern part lies Mount Sanggabuana with a height of ± 1291 m asl, containing volcanic deposits.

Khanewal district is traversed by several rivers that empty into the Java Sea. River Citarum a separator between Khanewal district with Bekasi, while the river is the border with cilamaya Subang. Besides river, there are 3 pieces of large irrigation channels, namely: North Tarum Parent Channel, Channel
Tarum Parent Central, and West Tarum Parent channel used for irrigation
fields, farms and power plants.

The total area of ​​Khanewal district 1753.27 km2 or 175,327 ha, the vast
constitute 4.72% of the area of ​​West Java Province (37116.54 km2) and has a sea area of ​​4 Miles x 84.23 Km, with boundaries as follows:

  • North: Adjoining the Java Sea
  • East: Bordering Subang
  • Next to the East: Bordering District Purwakarta
  • South: Bordering Bogor and Cianjur
  • West: Bordering the Bekasi Regency


Karawang Official Site

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